Climate lobbying

Climate change is one of the biggest challenges of our time.

Important climate and energy policy decisions will need to be made in the coming years. At Westander, we want to help companies and organisations get involved and contribute to the mitigation of climate change.

10 tips on climate lobbying

Here are Westander’s 10 tips on climate lobbying.

1. Link to climate targets

Ambitious climate targets require action from all countries and all sections of society. You should demonstrate why your specific proposal is important or particularly effective in meeting these targets.

2. Demonstrate broad social benefit

Many actions that reduce climate impact also result in cleaner air in cities or are good for public health. Explain how your proposal contributes to several social benefits at the same time.

3. Become a solutions supplier

Find out about the parties’ positions on your particular issue and what their spokespersons for climate and energy policies are especially passionate about. Propose solutions that help politicians to reach their targets.

4. Have a local impact

Municipalities and regions are often at the cutting edge when it comes to climate work, so focus on building relationships with local decision-makers. Politicians at national level are also strongly influenced by local opinions.

5. Meet the decision-makers

Make direct contact with decision-makers. One face-to-face meeting can be as effective as five phone calls or 10 emails. Ensure that you have a clear agenda and a clear message.

6. Do politicians’ jobs for them

Relevant figures, graphs and reports strengthen lobbying work. How will your proposal reduce car travel, encourage recycling or make energy use more efficient?

7. Find opinion-formers

Identify the key individuals who influence the debate and the politicians within your particular field. How can you get them to become ambassadors for your message?

8. Influence at the right time

Find the right process and the right time to get your issue on the climate policy agenda. It is considerably easier to have an influence at the beginning of a process than after the decision has already been made.

9. Build trust

Be clear about how you work in the long term to contribute to reducing climate impact. Show that you have valuable knowledge that is needed to make the right decision. Become an expert or a ‘secretary’ for politicians.

10. Win broader backing

Link arms with actors from different sections of society to form opinions. A property owner, a haulier and an environmental organisation may have several common interests relating to climate work.

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